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Individual Therapy

AAHHHH……A time to focus on YOU. I hold strongly to the belief that all Humans are born good. We all start out wanting to explore, strive, connect with others, be the best versions of ourselves. And then BAM, life hits you…and sometimes real hard. Stressors, traumas, relationships, genetics, all influence the way we are today. My goal with individual therapy is to have you leave feeling more confident and in-control, with a better understanding of why you feel the way you feel, and a sense of accomplishment so that you can get back to that place you were before all of life’s burdens. We can’t take away bad memories of past events, but we can integrate these memories in a healthy way so that you are less focused on the pain, and more focused on how you can live your best life.

45-60 min I $100-$115

Family therapy

Family Therapy

The crux of why I became a therapist stem from my own experiences of family strain while growing up. No family is the same, and there is no such thing as a “normal” family. I respect the family as a unit, and I want each individual of the family to feel safe and comfortable so that they can be honest and feel respected. . I typically follow Emotionally-Focused Family Therapy, which is a brief therapy focused on stabilizing a family’s negative interaction pattern, restructuring the child/parent interactions, and consolidating the felt security gained through these new patterns of connection. EFFT consists of both individual and family sessions.

60 mins |  $160


Couples Therapy

Premarital, newly-wed, infidelity, lack of connection, no sexual intimacy, polyamorous, been together so long we sleep in separate rooms……I AM HERE FOR IT! Relationships are hard work. If you are wanting to stick it out and need help, or not sure if the relationship should last, Couples Therapy is the place to figure it all out. I hold a safe space for couples to be honest with themselves and each other. I don’t conform to the idea of being “neutral”, but I also don’t take sides. I am direct when I see something that is damaging to the relationship, and I do it in a way that does not feel shaming. I am here to support the couple, not the individual. Oh….and sleeping in separate bedrooms is not always a bad thing!

60 mins |  $150


A note about insurance

I do not accept insurance at this time. I know this is frustrating, especially for those who pay for and rely on their insurance, so I want to provide you with my reasoning. First, I do not like to diagnose unless it will be meaningful to the client and their treatment plan. However, to receive payment from an insurance company a therapist must assign a diagnosis; within 1-2 sessions. Once a client has been diagnosed, it stays on their Electronic Health Record and does not go away. Having a diagnosis on your record may prevent you from receiving other types of insurances (e.g., life insurance). I also don’t like to slap down a diagnosis after knowing someone for a total of 60 minutes. Second, Insurance companies can limit the amount of sessions you are allowed depending on that diagnosis, AND they will dictate what type of therapy I provide based on that diagnosis. Therapy is a gradual unfolding process wherein the therapist attempts to know the client as fully as possible. Therapy should not be a “one size fits all” situation. And lastly, insurance companies do not reimburse on time, or at all, depending on whether they deem the paperwork appropriately completed. They also do not reimburse a reasonable or livable wage. I love what I do, and I’m good at what I do, but in order to continue I have to be reimbursed in a timely manner, and I’d much prefer my clients and I work together to decide treatment plans and number of sessions. **I will provide an Out Of Network super bill for those who have OON benefits.